
Owned by puresilverAg
Image #298
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24 March 2024, 04:39:08 EDT

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The Stitchwitch


Bright and pleasant, with a sweet presence, this woman is very friendly and often found in or around Necrobie territory. Magic sings around her, and the world seems to know her well. Indeed, the first Necrobie is very fond of her, and she visits Azuca often.
Aura is the very first Stitchwitch, a mage of emotional power. To her, emotions appear as threads that she can pluck, play with, weave and create with in the physical. This gift has been both blessing and curse; it cost her her home long ago, leaving her and Methius as sole survivors. In this grief was hope born; in this pain, the power came to fruition, and Necrobies were created. Since then, Aura has traveled long, exploring and finding Necrobies newborn or in need to help point the way Home.
Warm and bright, Aura considers Necrobies to be her family. She loves them dearly, and will do what she can to help them always. You'll often find her with Methius, practicing magic, or visiting with other creators. Her home is hidden in the Void Forest, but she visits with Necrobies in the Plushopolis.