
Owned by puresilverAg
Image #362
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24 March 2024, 23:36:07 EDT

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The First Bie


The first Necrobie to be made - a Bie of Hope.
Azuca was born of the Hope of the Stitchwitches after a grievous loss; with the break of dawn came the hope of morning, and as light broke, so too did Azuca's awakening. He took their hands, walking towards a new future together. One where Necrobies can all live and thrive.
Sweet and warm, Azuca is the most gentle of the three Mascot Bies. He is very doting to others, and likes to share his hopes and dreams and hear about the hopes of others. He is very supportive of other Bies, and tries to improve the lives of others how he can. He spends much of his time in Plushopolis, visiting everyone he can and enjoying the thriving world of Necrobies. His favorite place to be is in Aura and Methius' arms.

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