BIE-1355: Pharaoh
"How do you fix a broken gourd? A pumpkin patch!"
2 eyes (C) | Colored Sclera (R) | Slit Pupils (C) |Bandages Skin Body Mod (UR) | Falcon (R) | Headwings (UR - Adopt Only) | Scenery Insides (UC) | Jewled Arms Body Mod (UR)
Pharaoh Horus boasts that he was born during the heyday of the world's 'greatest architectural' period. He agrees that practices during such times were not always wise or just. But, no one could argue with a beautiful structure that held up far better than its anything born so far south or west of it. It withstood the test of time. And he had been with it as it did. Collecting dust. Growing stiff in his stillness. Finally, he decided that he would not mummify like the rest of the building around him. So, now he travels with his hilarious companion. Lapis.

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