Profile BIE-283: Eve

Owned by HaWiFi


Hoodlum [HayStack/Bug "Spider"] (UR) | Cotton & Candy Insides (UC) | Two Eyes (C) | Black Sclears (C) |  X-Shaped Pupils (R) | Monster Arms (UR) | Hay Hair (UR-AO) | No Ears (UR-AO) | Stitching Bod Mod (UR)

'We' were once a beloved decoration for the night of Hallows Eve! Often referred to as 'tradition' when we were carefully unwrapped and placed on the tree in the front yard. Our time on the outside was always short. But we could tell that even before we could see. Our family loved us very much. Even talking to us before we had a voice to reply. And yes, it was always sad to be taken down. But, our family would carefully package us away with all of the other wonderfully ghoulish and charming trickster types. And we knew we would always be back again for the next time of treats and tricks. For the next night of Halloween fun.

And then, it happened! We were taken out just as we had been for many years before. Given our normal spot on the same beautiful tree. And we danced in the cool autumn wind for a few nights. But one evening we heard the sound of shouting. But we were not alarmed. Not at first. It was just a few older children having a spirited time. What a delight for more families to also enjoy the holi-- and then we heard a snap. It sounded like wood. The fence? Our fence. The loud noisy children came into our yard and started to take down our family's decorations. Some of them outright breaking some of them, some of our friends! While reaching for the ghost to our left. A child knocked us down. Having run when our family opened the front door. A few of his companions stepped on us as they escaped.

Our family cried that night. And we manifested on the table in the garage. Where they'd left us to be kept safe. But, we knew that we couldn't stay there. Knew what we had to do. So, we looked for the children with the loud voices. Searched throughout the town. Leaving 'lessons' for each one that we located.

Now, we carry on with a new 'tradition'. So long as you enjoy the spirit of Halloween? We will always be a 'Treat'. Gifting you more delights to keep the spirit of the holiday season alive in your heart. But, if you do not respect the holiday season? If you decide to remove that spirit from others? Then we will have to dawn our hood again. And become a Trick that must teach you a new lesson--

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