BIE-538: Lapis
"How do you know a Skeleton is Sick? He's Coffin!"
2 eyes (C) | Colored sclera (R) | No pupils (UR) | Bandage Opening (R) | Gold Cravat Opening (R) | Dual Insides - Canopic Jars + Sand (UR) | Object Plush - Canopic Jar (UR - Adopt Only) | Mummy Bandages Body Mod (UR) | Seasonal Bone Legs (UR) | Jewel Incrusts Body Mod (UR) | Snake Arm Cuff Body Mod (UR) | Real Wings (UR) | Solid Halo ©
Lapis doesn’t remember where they are from or even how long they’ve been around anymore. Not that it matters. They are the sort to focus on the present anyway. Traveling around from graveyard to graveyard with their companion. Pharoh. The two of them seem to share a dark sense of humor that not many people seem to understand. They like a good joke better than most people. Sometimes even at the expense of others.

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