
Owned by puresilverAg
Image #300
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24 March 2024, 06:05:23 EDT

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The KnitWit


Small, sweet, and full of sugar! This little lady is creative and kind well beyond her small stature. She loves to make things anew, and with her own spin on Stitchwitchery, this KnitWit helps to make new Mimibies!
Many years ago, Methius and Aura stumbled on another budding Stitchwitch - a young tailor who sewed plushes for the village children in her own time. She was different from them, though; her magic flourished around children and bringing happiness to families, and she liked to use her magic to bring happiness. Thus was the KnitWit, maker of Mimibies, discovered and brought into Necrobie society.
Bubbly and creative, Corduroi is a very beloved part of Plushopolis and Necrobie society as a whole. She has studied Bies and learned the best ways to help them create children so all families can feel supported and enjoy parenthood. She is most often found in the Stuffing Bank, helping Necrobies to start families. All Mimibies are beloved, and she strives to be sure all who want families, can have one..