
Owned by puresilverAg
Image #299
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24 March 2024, 05:28:58 EDT

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The Stitchwitch


Calm, polite, and proper to a bit of a fault - this is how many would describe Methius. A bladesman who typically is seen with a scythe, he keeps to Aura's side as they travel, determined and calm. He often works to keep a cool head and be the voice of reason in any given trouble or time.
A long time ago, Methius was a dear friend of Aura's, and in her hour of need, he answered. He was able to save her, grieve their old lives, and aid in the birth of the first Necrobie. As such, he decided to stay at her side, and she trained him in the magics of the Stitchwitch. He serves as a second Stitchwitch, and Aura's personal knight. At her behest,  they have traveled long, exploring and finding Necrobies newborn or in need to help point the way Home.
Wise and calm, Methius acts as a mediator and gentle companion to Necrobies. He is very calm and warm, gentle.  You'll often find him with Aura, practicing magic, or visiting with other creators. His home is hidden in the Void Forest, but he visits with Necrobies in the Plushopolis.