Unpacking & Unsettling
Azuca hummed as they began unpacking the spare boxes that were laying around.
Helping was nice on its own, but helping out along with a fun game was something that they were excited for. It made work feel less like work, and more like play. Maybe, if they were lucky, some of their favorite treats would be among the ones they found today!
They couldn't help but smile when they saw that the box they were set to unpack now was full of stuffed animals. Who would have thought that Lannie or Mayor had a soft spot? Well... considering that Necrobies were made of similar things, it probably wasn't so unusual.
As they picked one up to set it in a safe, proper place, though, they jumped - it began cackling loudly out of a voice box! So that's what it was... that made a little more sense. A scary trick to play on others. It was all in good fun, though, so after letting out a sigh of relief after the fright, Azuca shook their head and calmly set aside the toy.
Most of the other stuffed animals in the box had similar situations in regards to them - some had eyes that would follow you wherever you stood, others were holding the cutest little plush knives. Azuca almost felt unsettled when they found an entirely normal-seeming doll within the mix - deciding to simply place it upon a high shelf, and try their best to not look too closely at it, for fear that this one was actually haunted.
They let out a sigh after a job well done. They had gotten so wrapped up in trying to put all of these strange knickknacks away that they'd forgotten entirely about searching for candy! What if one of those stuffed animals was holding a candy bar, or had a secret hidden treat somewhere?
They could feel a sinking feeling in their chest as they glanced back up at the doll. Its unsettling eyes made it almost look like it was staring down at them... almost.
No. Absolutely not. It couldn't be that one. They refused.
And yet, it would be the exact type of place Lannie and Mayor would hide something. They had to check. Otherwise, what if someone else got to it later, and it turned out to be their favorite? Azuca couldn't risk that situation.
They carefully got up on their tiptoes, trying to reach for the doll without having to look at it too hard. Eventually, they got it - but it felt a little too much like it was falling into their hands, rather than them pulling it down. Yeesh.
They grimaced as they turned the doll over, and... oh, what's this? The little dainty bow on the doll's neck had a candy bar tied to it, as well! All they'd have to do to get the candy was untie the ribbon, and then they could tie it back in place. Well, that was cute. And far less distressing than they were expecting.
They carefully undid the bow, but as they did... thunk! They screamed as they jumped back - the doll's head rolled off its body, and onto the floor!
Azuca took a few hasty breaths. Yeah. That seemed more Lannie and Mayor's speed. They grabbed the candy, but... at what cost?
Submitted By AcuteExposure
for All Hallow's Eve, Part 1
Submitted: 4 months ago ・
Last Updated: 4 months ago