Cuddlebug Caper!

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Velvet still wasn't quite sure how she was talked into this situation.

One second, she was relaxing at home with a nice book, the next, Ariety was knocking at her door and saying something about "cuddlebugs" and "produce" and "gotta come with to help" - and then she was on a wild cuddlebug chase.

Velvet wasn't very familiar with what cuddlebugs were. She knew that there were some kinds of Necrobie who could transform into one, and that they were animals, but she'd never had one as a pet - she knew some other Necrobies did, but she always found them a little... gross.

"It should be right this way!" Ariety shouted, pointing in a direction that, in Velvet's mind, was completely random. How did you even track a cuddlebug, anyways? She couldn't tell any rhyme or reason as to where Ariety turned or pointed out.

"Ooookay," Velvet mumbled, following close behind. She wasn't going to risk letting a loose cuddlebug stay on the run. Eventually, though, she caught it in the distance - a small puff of fuzz, and it was chewing fast on something that it probably shouldn't be!

"Ohhh, I've got you now--!" Ariety shouted at the small beastie, only for the cuddlebug to perk up and sprint away quicker. Velvet was already getting out of breath, and Ariety was now beginning to flap her wings, trying to make herself faster! How was she going to keep up, at this rate?

"Hold-- on--" She gasped, but Ariety was too focused on catching the critter to listen. Velvet groaned as she watched her companion only double down in her sprint.

She grit her teeth together as she forced herself to continue forward. There had to be a reward for catching this thing, right? It'd all be worth it in the end. She'd just have to power on through.

"It's slowing down! Quick, once it turns this corner, you go the other way, and I'll go surround it!"

"O-okay!" Velvet wasn't entirely sure how this plan was going to work, but she was going to do her best to make sure it did. All she had to do was believe in Ariety's expertise.

"Okay, on the count of three! One!"

"W-wait!" Velvet called, "what happens on three?!"

"Two!" Ariety didn't elaborate.


Velvet just flinched, but Ariety leaped forward, trying to grab the cuddlebug... which only caused it to leap out of the way, right into Velvet's arms instead! Velvet grabbed the little critter before it could squirm away, and let out a deep sigh. At least the plan worked, even if she wasn't quite sure what the plan even entailed...

"You got it!" Ariety called, as she got up and dusted herself off. "You're a natural! Awww, look at that cute little guy..."

She reached forward to pet the cuddlebug, which was still not entirely content in Velvet's arms. It nipped lightly at Ariety's fingers, and she laughed as she pulled them away. "I'm sure that it won't run away this time. Probably."

Velvet just nodded, ready to get this cuddlebug back in its proper habitat... and herself back to her reading.

Cuddlebug Caper!
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In Event Submissions ・ By AcuteExposure
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Submitted By AcuteExposure for All Hallow's Eve, Part 2
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

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[Cuddlebug Caper! by AcuteExposure (Literature)](
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