Terms of Service

Created: 2 November 2023, 16:45:25 EDT
Last updated: 20 January 2025, 19:53:42 EST

By accessing the website Necrobies.com, you hereby agree that you have read, understand, and will be bound by the following terms and conditions when using the Necrobies site, obtaining Necrobies characters or goods, or engaging with official Necrobie community spaces.
Necrobies reserves the right to update these terms of service at any time. 


"The user", "users", and "you" refer to each individual accessing and/or playing with Necrobies.com and its community spaces.
"Necrobies", "Staff", and "we" refer to the individuals who maintain and operate Necrobies.com and its community spaces.
"The site" refers to Necrobies.com and "community spaces" or "other webspace" refers to all social media or community hubs run in an official capacity by staff in association with Necrobies.
"Services" refers to all services, features and functions provided by the website and other webspaces.
"Content" refers to any images, videos, files, artwork, music, animations, writing, and other media present on the website or in community spaces provided by staff.
"ToS" and "Terms" refers to this document, the Terms of Service.



Content and services are only offered to and made available to those 18 years or older; no minors are allowed on this site, no exceptions. By creating an account, using our services, or attempting to participate, you are verifying that you are 18 years or older.

Necrobies.com and community spaces may contain the following:

  • strong, vulgar language
  • explicit content or sexually suggestive content
  • references to alcohol, drugs, etc
  • blood, violence, gore
  • references to darker themes

Necrobies aims to provide safe spaces and a community in which people can work through trauma and heavy topics; we ask that all heavy themes be marked with appropriate trigger/content warnings. We allow adult topics, and have specific areas aimed to such; this site is not recommended for those who are highly sensitive to the above topics.

Necrobies are dolls; as such, unrealistic body types may be represented and explored, including genitalia. Please be mindful when representing real-world situations such as intersexuality, as well as respectful of sexuality and gender identities. Necrobies, however, does NOT allow beastiality or depictions of minors in any sexual or graphic situations; any breakage of this rule will cause the user to be banned.

Staff does not monitor content displayed on individual user spaces, and is not liable for user-submitted content that is unlawful, unsafe, or breaks our ToS. Any user-submitted content found to be unlawful or against site ToS must be reported to staff, and may be modified or removed from the site, with potential for disciplinary action. We are not liable for third party content linked to our site.

Content displayed on Necrobies.com may be modified or deleted at any time, with or without notice.


Users must be 18+ years old in order to participate in Necrobies. Any user found to be less than 18 years of age at time of the account creation on Necrobies.com will have their account terminated. 

Accounts with usernames that are obscene, hateful, harmful or unlawful will be modified or terminated; this includes but is not limited to racial slurs, attempting to impersonate others, or hate speech.

It is the user's responsibility to use a secure email and password; we recommend using an account that is protected.

Accounts are limited to use by one user - we do not allow shared accounts, and we do not allow more than one account per person. Accounts are user-locked and may not be "sold" or transferred between users. If your account is terminated, you may not make another.

Multiaccounting is not allowed. This includes but is not limited to: making multiple accounts to funnel rewards to one; making multiple accounts to enter raffles many times; asking friends or others to make an account just to support your account. All accounts involved in any multiaccounting will be subject to disciplinary action.

All virtual items and currency housed on Necrobies.com are licensed for use by the user while their account is open. If a user is terminated or banned, the contents of their account, save for characters, will be forfeited without compensation. 


Necrobies.com and its services may not be used for any unlawful purposes. Users found submitting, distributing, or promoting illegal content will be terminated without notice.

Necrobies is not liable for any user voluntarily providing personal, private, or sensitive information to others. PLEASE FOLLOW ALL ONLINE SAFETY RULES AND GUIDELINES.

Users may not harass, abuse, or otherwise threaten staff or other members of the community. 

Users are not permitted to create a hostile environment for staff or other members of the community. We encourage any concerns or complaints be brought to the staff via Discord or reports; all users are adults, and we hope that all can engage in a positive or at least respectful manner. If this is not the space for you, we understand. Likewise, disputes between members should be resolved/discussed in private.

Users are prohibited from use of slurs, hate speech, or sharing political views that are harmful to oppressed groups. We reserve the right to address or ban users who express beliefs that may be hurtful to others in the community. Necrobies is a site for creativity, not hate or political shenanigans.


By submitting content to Necrobies.com or community spaces, users are giving Necrobies the right to host, modify, and digitally share their work. Necrobies will never profit off of user-submitted content, unless explicity stated in special terms for specific content; this is a creative community, your work is safe. Users retain all ownership over their content.

If a user closes their account or is banned from Necrobies.com, we maintain the rights to display or use any content submitted during their use of our service.

Any users found submitting stolen or plagarized content may face disciplinary action. This includes but is not limited to: uncredited bases, tracing, screenshots of artwork or games, images, stills from videos, etc. Likewise, Necrobies.com is not liable for user-submitted content that is stolen or plagiarized from a third party. If a user has stolen or plagarized your content and shared it in Necrobies spaces, please contact staff to move forward.

Necrobies designs may not be direct derivatives of characters from other IPs; no Necrobies can appear to be a"Necrobie version" of an existing copyrighted character that is not yours. Necrobie versions of your own characters are valid and welcome.

AI generated artwork and writing are not allowed to be submitted on site. AI is harmful to the creative world, the artist industry and all creatives; it is not welcome here on Necrobies. Art grows through practice and work; all levels of skill are welcome here. As long as you are trying to grow and enjoying your creativity, your work is welcome!

The following sensitive content is allowed on Necrobies, and does not require the user to apply a content warning:

  • Sexually suggestive content
  • Consumption of alcohol
  • Light blood and violence
  • Foul language

The following sensitive content is allowed on Necrobies, but requires a content warning to be applied upon submission:

  • Sexually explicit content
  • Drug use
  • Heavier blood and violence
  • Kink-related content such as BDSM
  • References to self harm or suicide
  • Body Horror

The following sensitive content is not allowed on Necrobies, and will result in disciplinary action if submitted:

  • Content referencing pedophilia (including "lolicon/shotacon", "ageplay", and "DDLG"), bestiality (including Bug forms of Beastbugs), or incest
  • Content involving bodily waste
  • Fetish-related content
  • Content that is pro-hate (Pro-Nazism, pro-ableism, anti-lgbt, etc)

If you come across any user-submitted content that breaks these rules, please report it to staff immediately.

Content featuring official Necrobies characters that falls under these disallowed catagories may not be posted publicly in a way that connects back to Necrobies.com.


Owning a Necrobies character means owning rights to that character design - your character is yours, but you do not hold ownership over the Necrobies species. Necrobies are a CLOSED SPECIES- you may not make one without a MYO ticket. Offbrands will not be recognized nor allowed to participate.

Necrobies will never revoke your ownership of a character, unless you are found to have chargebacked an official artist who you purchased the design from. In such cases, the character will be revoked and Necrobies will not  provide compensation.

If a user is banned from Necrobies while owning Necrobies characters, the designs will be voided and no longer associated with Necrobies. Necrobies that are voided cannot be used on the website again, but you retain personal use rights to the design. Banned users may not obtain unvoided Necrobies. Please keep all trades to the website primarily.

Users may request to void characters that they originally created (designed/commissioned, or myo you created), and that they currently own. You may not void designs you did not create and/or do not currently own.

Owning an official, unvoided Necrobie character allows a user to:

  • trade, sell, gift, or otherwise transfer the character to any other Necrobies user on the site. If you wish to transfer a character to a new user, they must create their Necrobies account first.
  • Use or display character artwork and any artwork depicting character, with credit to the artist.
  • Repost, print, and use the original image of the Necrobie so long as you do not make profit off it.
  • Use the character on Necrobies.com and in any community spaces. This includes creating a name, emotion and backstory, creating or commissioning art/writing, and engaging with the community in community spaces in ways that are consistent with the ToS. 
  • Use the character personally outside of Necrobies community spaces. Staff cannot enforce adherance to the ToS in private spaces, but all public activities must follow ToS or risk disciplinary action.
  • Edit character designs using official Necrobie channels through the site. Please consult the Anatomy/Design Guides. 
  • Create alternate forms of the Necrobie based on character design. All derivative designs need to remain with the main; please disconnect the Necrobie from other designs in some way if you wish to separate them.

Official Art from the Necrobie Lorekeeper or Discord Server may not be used outside the Species, or copied for other use.  Users may NOT: 

  • change, modify, or use our works without our permission
  • reproduce the copyrighted artwork commercially
  • take credit for art you did not draw
  • remove watermarks/signatures of the creators


All official sales of Necrobies characters will take place on Necrobies.com. Users must possess a Necrobies account in order to receive Necrobie items, characters, or other site items.

Users may trade, sell, or gift their Necrobies characters, items and currencies without limitations. This includes the ability to sell Necrobies charactesr for IRL currencies, or for goods from other games or websites. Necrobies does not allow game items to be sold for IRL currencies, though they may be traded for art or other services. Necrobies reserves the rights to place restrictions on these sales/trades as appropriate to keep the health of the species economy.

Necrobies is not liable for transactions between users. Necrobies staff may step in to moderate in fradulent transactions conducted on the site, such as someone taking payment and not sending the appropriate trade, but the user is fully resposible for any fees, damages, or losses incurred by transactions with other users. Necrobies is not required to intervene in disputes.

Placing a bid on an auction or claim on a sale is confirmation that you can and will pay. Once placed, you may not edit or delete an offer. Backing out of a sale happens and can be discussed as necessary; repeat offenses will result in discipline or a ban from sales. We reserve the right to refuse sales for any reason. 

Users will be notified on the time limit in which to respond to winning bids. Please respond promptly; failure to respond in a timely manner can and will result in forfeiting the offer. This does not apply to time spent waiting for admins/artist's response. 

All transactions on Necrobies.com, either with virtual or real currencies/skills/services, are final and nonrefundable.


Users must report any loopholes, bugs, or exploits found on Necrobies.com; purposful exploitation of bugs found in the site by users can and will lead to disciplinary action.

Users are prohibited from using scripts, bots,  or other thid party software that is designed to, or used with intent to exploit or gain an advantage on Necrobies.com.

All content displayed on Necrobies.com and community spaces belongs to Necrobies, including images, text, logos, and names, unless stated otherwise. Users cannot distribute, modify, reprint, make derivatives of, or reuse any content from Necrobies, unless explicitly permitted. Necrobies are not required to remove content created by staff, former staff, or users that was submitted with the purpose of participating in the Necrobies world. 

AI image generators and image scrapers are NOT allowed to use any Necrobies content. 

Necrobies, the world of the Archiplushago, and all subspecies/pet species belong to Necrobies.com.

You, the user, acknowledge that you access Necrobies.com "As-Is" and do not have warranties of any kind, either implied or stated, of what will be available on the site. Necrobies does not guarantee that all content available will always be complete, error-free, reiable, accurate, or current. You understand that by accessing the site, you agree that you obtain, view,  and access any materials or data through the use of Necrobies.com at your own risk, and that you are solely responsible for loss or damages that result from site interaction, raw data or materials.